Another faux hawk, I know -_- Why did EA have to gave only the kids the cute faux hawks?! This one is originally for male children, and now converted for adults of both sexes...
Hair Specifications:
Age: Young Adult
Sex: Both
Male Version
Frontal View

Quarter Profile

Side Profile

Back View

Female Version
Frontal View

Quarter Profile

Side Profile

Back View

Model Credits:
Skin: Subaxi/Watermelon | Conversion of DHV Non-Default | DHV-A Non-Default
Eyes: Watermelon | Contacts Eyes
Eyebrows: in789 | Eyebrow02
Thank you so much for this - I have really enjoyed the other two versions and am anxious to see this version in game :)
Hi, Amazing Job, but the links for the downloads are not working, can you please fix it, i really would love to have these in my game, thank you so very much!!!
Anon, try these links:
Jasumi, can you tell me where you got the photoshoot props in the background? Like the lights and the device used to change backgrounds? XDD Thank you so much~! >_<
Oh, those are by AroundtheSims3.
Thank you so much!! :)
It doesnt show up in my game :(
I have the same problem as whisker, it doesn't show up in my game either :'( I love the hair so much and I want to use it!