I can already foresee people asking me to make flip-flops for females using Bloom's feet, and yes, I do plan on making a more feminine version for the ladies, it's just that the guys are in a serious dearth of fashion. Naturally, that would necessitate that I and a bunch of other people start make clothing and accessories for them. Offtopic: I'm also in the process of uploading backup files because Trepie needs to update her blog my Box bandwidth is drier than a prune until sometime next month...
Shoes Specifications:Morphs: Fit, Fat, Thin, Normal
Poly-Count: 4,003
Age: Young Adult
Sex: Male

>>Properly Animated!

Much like the flip-flops I made in the Sims 2 for Marvine's bodybuilder, the sole of the sandal moves appropriately with a Sim's footsteps (ie. when they bend their toes). The animation isn't 100% perfect, I could probably perfect the bone assignments if I really wanted to, but I don't feel like spending all day on this. The shoes come in the three colors shown above--brown, black, and blue.

Model Credits:
Skin: Subaxi/Watermelon | MCV Non-Default
Eyes: Tifa | Eye N31 ||| Leamonleaf | Clear Eyes
Eyebrows: in789 | Eyebrow02 ||| Subaxi/Watermelon | Eyebrow15MF ||| MissBonBon | 15 Eyebrows for TS3
Lovely shoes! Thanks
Not sure if this the wrong place to post this, but in game, I see an odd rectangular shadow on the upper body of the Sim wearing these shoes. Should I up my graphic settings, or has anyone else seen this?
Nice shoes, hope I can use them.
I thought I fixed that >_>
It only shows up in CAS though, right?
omg I have been waiting for these! Thank you so much!! ;u;
Simply amazing shoes! Also, yaaaaay for using my shirts!
Ad lastly, is the clipping too bad when the sim sits? I tried to get the bone assignments good enough to minimize that.
Oh, terrific!!
It's so nice of you~ *_*
I'll check and write back either way.
OK, they work fine outside CAS. Thanks again!
Just a question: Are there any plans to make the flip-flops from the base game and possibly the WA sandals with Bloom's feet?
I'm speechless..... this so great!!! Thank you soooo much! :-D
Daluved, I did see some clipping but it was minor ^^
Anon, that's not something I'm interested in doing :(
Wow! Thank you so much for these! =)
Love the black ones! Cool design. :D
Hey Jasumi,
i was wondering will these work for people that don't use bloom's feet?
Thank you for sharing <3
You don't need Bloom's feet...
i wondered where the second hair is from i mean the bowl haircut?
btw these are great.
I didn't upload it yet. It needs some more work...
plz can some one tell me were to get these feet as blooms website download page wont work
Hmm, I don't know what happened to his site >_>
I would upload it, but silly me merged the files with a bunch of other stuff...
can u find some won that has all of blooms feet ?
hiya just to say u can get blooms feet at sims cave hopes that helps :)
cant download the flip flops cause it says its locked !_! plz help
Should be working now
Wow! Amazing, just the kind of shoes I have been looking for!
Thank you for sharing :]
I can not remember you asked permission to use these?
You deleted one foot and duplicated/mirrored the other, you can not do that with CAS items. Both the feet need to be uvmapped.
Now also the skintone will not match on one foot.
You were AWOL at the time. Sorry.
Is there any chance of reuploading this? I get an error message when I click on the link.
Try this: http://www.box.com/s/60l1f1eeq5nomf3ieqfa
Thanks, Jasumi! The box link works like a charm. My poor male sims are very appreciative, since they're in dire need of good shoes.
I like it !!
thank you :)
Nice flip-flops
You're a genius. I love you.
I've got a question.
Jeans are yours? Where can I find it jeans?
The jeans are bu RustyNail: http://blog.naver.com/jinhee_a/110067099248
This is for sims 3, right?. I do not know how to download please help me
Go to this link: http://www.opendrive.com/files/M18xMjAyNzE0X1FpdXY5XzJmMTg/Jasumi_Bloom_FlipFlops.zip
Yes, it is for sims 3.
thank you Jasumi!
Awesome! Thank you!
Jasumi Hey, you should convert the Ankle Boots Redux, the Supra High-Top Sneakers and Flip-Flops for Bloom's Feet for babies!
These are awesome, Thank you! There is a new foot slider mod (Feet Size/Toe Size Sliders - http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=500349)that causes these flip flops to morph badly. Maybe you could check it out?
I have been waiting till death here for a female version ´・ω・`
Please please please please please please please Jasumi ❤
oomgggg I can't believe I missed it, I found it when manually browsing your blog: http://sim-uploads.blogspot.com/2011/10/sandals-for-blooms-feet.html, I only searched for flip flop before,
The Links are Broken.
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