I actually made these sometime last week, but I was too busy playing Mass Effect to take pictures and upload them.
Now that I have all the time in the world, I've been up to other things, like my next project, a skateboarding set.
I had to make the poly count low on the shoe since I had to make straps, a tongue, and everything,
so they're not quite as high-quality as they maybe should be, but still decent none-the-less...
Now that I have all the time in the world, I've been up to other things, like my next project, a skateboarding set.
I had to make the poly count low on the shoe since I had to make straps, a tongue, and everything,
so they're not quite as high-quality as they maybe should be, but still decent none-the-less...
These shoes have been updated so that they should work for everyone now.
Download here: http://uploadingit.com/file/bbaz0rjdc0c520bj/Jasumi_SupraHighTops_BaseGame.zip
Shoes Specifications:These shoes have been updated so that they should work for everyone now.
Download here: http://uploadingit.com/file/bbaz0rjdc0c520bj/Jasumi_SupraHighTops_BaseGame.zip
Morphs: Fit, Thin, Normal
Poly-Count: 4,004
Age: Young Adult
Sex: Male

...there's like two other colors I didn't show you..
>>The Jeans

I made jeans for these shoes since any other pair would obviously clip unless they were skin tight...

Model Credits:
Skin: Subaxi/Watermelon | DHV-A Non-Default | MCV Non-Default
Eyes: Escand | Oh My Tiffany ||| Tifa | Eye N31 ||| Leamonleaf | Clear Eyes
Hair: EA | Slight Scuffle | Mid-hawk ||| Newsea | SoledadSkin: Subaxi/Watermelon | DHV-A Non-Default | MCV Non-Default
Eyes: Escand | Oh My Tiffany ||| Tifa | Eye N31 ||| Leamonleaf | Clear Eyes
Eyebrows: MissBonBon | 15 Eyebrows for TS3 ||| Subaxi/Watermelon | Eyebrow15MF ||| Haru | Eyebrows
I love it!! Thank you so much!!
btw, nice model too!!
This is awesome, they look great! :D
Amazing, amazing, amazing! Your the best Jasumi!
Also, the skateboarding set is flipping amazing! I can't wait until your done with that also. OMG /diesofexcitement
These shoes aren't showing up in my game? The jeans are though.
Oh no, not this again x_x lol
OK I'll see what's gone wrong (again o_o).
Oh, and glad you guys like it...
These are so cool, Thanks
do you know when they will be fixed.
I love the shoes but I LOVE the jeans :D
I love it! They look so good on cool sims.
It`s very very very cool! I love them!
Sorry about the wait, I should have the fixed one up today or tomorrow...
Thank you!! ♥ So awesome :D
(Also WOO Mass Effect!!! 8D)
Why i cant download this
I don't like http://uploadingit.com/ site..
Because When i clicked download box, download box didn't react
So i couldnt download this items
I get an error when I go to the download link -uploadingit.com :(
So I cant download whole here items..
OK, try this link instead:
1.) http://www.box.com/s/9e4535b3b0b90632aed7
2.) http://www.box.com/s/337c18d0c287a902b7d7
omg! thanks very much!! love it!
It's still not working for me... does it work for anyone else
thank you sooo much!!! I am the supra high top fan, theses look like society's to me. Cant get enough. thanks a lot!!
I'll try re-making the package file and see if that works...
yor are truly genius! i love it!!!
No load.
This is amazing! I love them!
Thank you for making these. :D
I download both, but somehow only the jeans appear in the game >.<
Hmm. I'll try to investigate this matter lol
I´ve tried to convert them from the package to sims3-file, but even with that they didn´t appear. And I reaaaaaaaaaaally want that shoes.
By the way, I love ur blog ^.^
You want the sims3pack file? Try this link: here.
Thx for that, but they don´t appear ingame.
One person only has the jeans, other person only has the shoes x_x
This is weird. Let's see if I can fix it lol
On second pic there are cigarette, were you get it?
Dear Jasumi : this shoes are so cool and fashionable~ would you please make a female version ?? i want my sims woman can wear them too, since they are so nice~thx a lot!
I've been trying to convert my shoes for females, but I haven't figured out a way to nicely convert the texture map so that it works on most outfits (since female clothing tends to show more skin and thus create overlap issues with my shoes).
Both the jeans and Supra shoes are not working neither is your fantastic baby hair. I love your stuff, but I'm at a loss :(
Jasumi: can you make a fix ? i really want this shoes! cya.
I've been trying to fix it, not sure what is wrong though...
hopefully you can fix it ! because everyone want this shoes. amazing job!
maybe, if you do it again, no problem
Advice taken, will do...
Jasumi, any news of the shoes?
Well, I managed to convert these to females and I think I fixed the problem. I'll upload them when I'm done with school this week...
Any chance you could make a pair of Osiris NYC 83 shoes? Cause these Supra's are awesome and I would really love an awesome pair of Osiris as well! (Heres a picture of a pair of them: http://www.journeys.com/product.aspx?id=194508&c=1155)
That is a great idea, these aren't very difficult to texture, either.
Although, I won't be able to use the green ones you linked to since there aren't enough source images. But the other colors have them.
Which color do you like best, I can't decide :s
I have the green and black ones so if you would like I could get you some more images.
Heres some pictures of them: http://s1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg564/golddisk1/
Those are pretty good, thanks....
Thanks, can't wait to see the finished product!
you have just made my whole day! OTL
i think the download link is broken..can't download it T_T
can you plz re-upload it?
oh! now it works. i think my computer had problem yesterday..:P
i really like the blue shorts in the 5th picture
where can i get those?
are the red shoes in the file? i wish it was recolorable but still awesome!!
Ummm hi there is a female version at simmingwithsirens in tumblr And the creator is candace
Ummm hi jasumi just to let you know there's a female version of your shoe at simmingwithsirens at tumblr and her/his work looks great and u might be interested in em
Ohhhh by the way I got a problem with the shoes it shows a spike in the tip and the right shoe isn't showing in the game but the left is and the pants isnt showing plz fix this problem I can't use these good items Q_Q
Please make them recolorable
links r deadD:
links dont work
Links are bad. Files not found