Maybe I'll just keep uploading all of Shinee and then I'll upload 2ne1? And I'll upload the request sims
that people asked for. Maybe I'll upload BS2T after that, I dunno. o_o Anyways, I also have some custom content
(alarm clock) that I will be uploading soon, too. I will also try (lol) to upload the final version of Oahu this week, too.

lmao dude is being asphyxiated by his own hair follicles o_o

Shoes: Hightop by Myos
Top: MaleFashionSet1 by Angel Girl
Bottom: Rolled Up Jeans by Ritsukacom
Bracelet: Male Accessories - Set001 by TumTum

Top: Show Stopping Style by EA
Shoes: Boots for Males by Aikea_Guinea
Earrings: Men's Gothic Accessories by Lemon Leaf

Top: TEEEEE 3 02 by RustyNail
Shoes: Adidas superstar sneakers by arjannl

what is going on in here...? o_o
Top: T-Shirt by Pradasims
Bottom: Cropped Jersey Pants by Myos

Outfit: Tide Traveler's Wetsuit by EA
CAS Mug Shot

He should look like this if you have all the CC you need. His body skin will look different from my pictures though,
because I edited Subaxi's skintones (which I'm not uploading of course!). But his face should be the same.

Chin Depth Slider by Jasumi
Brow and Hand Sliders by Jasumi
Flip-Flops by Jasumi
Everyday: Peggy #000608
Formal: Aristocratic Attitude by EA
Other: Bundled Up Beanie by EA
Lips: Gloss by S-Club
Eyeshadow: Eyelid by SimpleLife
Eyebrows: 15 Eyebrows by Missbonbon
Foundation: Soft-GLO Contouring Blush by KittyKlan
Skintone: MCV Non-Default by Subaxi
Eyes: Clear Eyes N16 by Lemonleaf
Johna's Body Sliders
Heiret's Chin to Neck Slider
Ahmed's Facial Sliders

Bands (SHINee),
Wow! (fantastic baby DANCE!)
I must say, all of your K-pop sims are absolutely epic-tastic and amazing. There's really not many people who do K-pop stuff for sims 3 out there, huh? Ah well. Taemin is absolutely awesome looking! He looks so similar to real life it's almost scary.
Awesome. =D
So gorgeous. I love him. He looks so sweet. Wonderful Sim. He is just too pretty. I am so jealous. I love him. Thank you ^_^
~ Glad you guys like him ^^
he is tres beautiful! and relatively low cc this time too. thanks for this :)
I can't upload all the CC because for example subaxi has made his files private :x
I honestly can't decide which of your sims I like most! When it comes to K-Pop, I love 2NE1 and I'm a VIP, I was really happy when you uploaded GD and TOP and now I'm glad to know that you'll upload the girls from 2NE1. Anyway, I also like Shinee a lot. I still have a lot of fun playing with Key!
And Oahu is an awesome world. Can't wait to play in there!
Thank you so much! You're an amazing creator. ^-^
Aww, thank you...
@Anonymous: send me an email ^^
Oh wow, I just love me some SHINEE! Much appreciation for all your hard work!
Wow Taemin is very good^.^
My sister is a fan of K-POP! \(^_^)/
O_O These sims are amazing!! Gd, Top, Taemin!! You are amazing and talented like no tomorrow!!
Thank you ^^
Like your sim! He is so sweet)))
I made Shinee in my game too!
Very nice Taemin.
You are awesome at what you do.
Thanks guys <3
very beautiful boy! I like him)
The download link is dead. I have a hard time to access OpenDrive, I use public proxy server to do it. When I get there, the download link is dead. Can you reupload it to MTS or Mediafire?
I almost forget, your another file that use OpenDrive, also have the download link dead problem. Bandwidth limit exceeded to be precisely.
I just finished switching all of my links back to Uploading. You should be able to download now.
He's handsome! I hope you put up 2NE1 sims soon!
Ciao I really like your Sims !!
Sorry my english.
Can I ask something? I really like the Sims in this images
This is from your unreleased Sims or is from other author.
And you think is possible make Sims like this 2 K-pop girl?
hyuna from 4-minutes (This is screen from Gangman style)
2ne1 Minzy
I already uploaded Hyuna: http://sim-uploads.blogspot.com/2012/05/hyunah.html
And I will upload 2ne1 soon.
(and yes, that other sim is mine too.)
Thanks. Hyunah is different from Gangnam Style video. Is the make up?
I really like this version of Hyunah
And I hope you release soon this female sims.
This sims is from some K-pop group or Movie?
Sorry for late reply ^^;
It's the eyebrows actually. The eyeliner is neutral, too.
Can you PLEASE do some Super Junior sims? I have looked everywhere for Yesung, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook and Donghae (i would like all of them, but these are the 4 I REALLY want more than the others) and so far... i haven't found any good ones. I'd make them myself, but i tried to make Donghae for three weeks and he NEVER came out. I didnt even get close. Thank you for considering! :D
Oh I love Shinee! but Super junior and TVXQ would be good too! Your sims are amazing.
your simmers are so perfect, and i luv it, but i cant download the things,..!@#$%#^&
I adore all of your sims. You are so talented!~ I can't download the chin to neck slider by heiret, and for whatever reason peggyzone isn't loading for me. =/ Is there any way you could help me with the files?
This is my favorite of your sims, absolutely gorgeous! I don't know any of the people who inspired these simlicious beings, but your versions are addictive.
I saw you take requests, but found no separate message tab. Could you please, please, please make Doona Bae, who played Sonmi 451 in Cloud Atlas?
Aww, thank you ^^
Anon: send me a link
Angee: I'll see if I can find good source image of her...
Thank you! :D
Maybe some of these will help:
I usually make my own sims, but her face is pretty challenging for me. I cannot make it look realistic enough, and seeing your sims it is clear for me that you will make a fantastic job. Thank you again.
How do I get it on the sims 3?
Would love to have him been looking for realistic Asian men but your download is missing when I click the link! :(
All of your works are just amazing and I like all of them but unfortunately download links are dead on OpenDrive. :( Can you reupload them to another sharing sites please? Looking forward to it. The best Kpop Sims I have ever seen^^
Link is dead:(