To be perfectly honest, the real GD gets on my damn nerves lmao but in a charming way o_o I don't know why,
just something about him.......anyways, I loved his new look in Fantastic Baby so much that I even made his
hair style! I don't normally mesh hair at all, but it looks pretty good for my second attempt at hair, I think.
An anonymous user also requested that I upload TOP, so I will do that next...
just something about him.......anyways, I loved his new look in Fantastic Baby so much that I even made his
hair style! I don't normally mesh hair at all, but it looks pretty good for my second attempt at hair, I think.
An anonymous user also requested that I upload TOP, so I will do that next...

>>His Hair!


Shoes: Boots by SashaJ
Necklace: Necklace by Sasha J
Top: Cool Cropped Jacket by EA
Earrings: Buffy Piercings by Rose
Tights: Ripped Tights by Robokitty
Bottom: Rolled Up Jeans by Ritsukacom
Nail Polish: Short Nails for Males and Females by Aikea_Guinea

Earring: New Earrings for Males by Lemonleaf
Bracelet: Male Accessories - Set001 by TumTum
Glasses: Men's and Women's Classic-Style Sunglasses by EsmeraldaF

G-Dragon is known for his androgynous fashion sense, so I gave him something a little crazy and weird lmao
Earrings: Silver Cross Earrings by Lemonleaf
Bottom: Cropped Jersey Pants by Myos
Top: Cropped Tank by Daluved1
Bracelet: Male Bracelet by Lorandia
Tights: J-Style Long Stockings by _aya_
Headphones: Headphones for males by LJgaming

Bottom: Diesel Multi Color Brief by Genius

Bottom: Halftime by miraminkova
CAS Mug Shot
He should look like this if you have all the CC you need. His body skin will look different from my pictures though,
because I edited Subaxi's skintones (which I'm not uploading of course!). But his face should be the same.

Chin Depth Slider by Jasumi
Brow and Hand Sliders by Jasumi
Ori Nose Shape by Jasumi
Fantastic Baby Hair by Jasumi
Supra High Tops by Jasumi
Flip-Flops by Jasumi
Eyebrows: 15 Eyebrows by Missbonbon
Foundation: Hi-Def Contouring Blush by KittyKlan
Skintone: MCV Non-Default by Subaxi
Lips: Lipstick 7 by SimpleLife
Eyeliner: Eyeliner N5 by Tifa
Eyes: Eyes N12 by Tifa
Johna's Body Sliders
Ahmed's Facial Sliders
Heiret's Chin to Neck Slider
awt's Forehead Depth Slider
awt's Jawline Soften Slider
awt's Nose Septum Sliders
awt's Nostril Rotate Slider

Bands (Big Bang),
Wow you've done a great job!! And that hair!!!! ♥♥♥ Thank you for sharing :D
Looking forward to seeing your T.O.P sim too ^^ Have a good day!
Great Job , I Love It . You Should Also Make The hair Available For Girl Too
When I went to download him, I got an image that says that you have exceeded your bandwidth limit?
I can't download it..T_T
lmao I only have a 1gb of bandwidth a day, oops x_x
It should be up now...
OMG, this is so perfect! Thank you!
I really love Big Bang and I'm in love with your sims. A G-Dragon sim made by you just made my day.
You're amazing! Great job! ♥
Wait, so the hair is included with the sim itself so i don't have to download it separately o_o?
Nope, the download is a zip file with all the stuff I made.
it said it's limited exceeded :(
Again?! My bandwith keeps getting killed every 10 hours x_x I need a better hosting site...
Anyways, I added two download mirrors for this Sim.
Oh, and glad you guys like him :)
Thanks!!! XD
Oh good lord, this is awesome! I can't wait for TOP, he is my favourite! <3
Is this downloadable for mac? It's so amazing, but I just want to make sure before I try to download it.
How do I download the hair?~
I have the sims and all the CC downloaded but the hair....
It's in the download file. I put everything I made in there...
It should work on a MAC...I'm not sure if you can open zip files though (never used a MAC). If you can't, let me know...
can you make this hair for females? please
I can't seem to download the hair. xD
Could you send a link to the main download please?? ^^
Where do you find the download for the hair??
OMG your username x_x
It in the zip file...
There is something adorably irritating about G-Dragon...now I'm noticing it even more!!! ARGH!
Oh my frikkin lord...WOW. You have THE best looking sims, and thank you SO SO SO much for including links to all the CC. I'm supposed to be busy right now but... eff that, I'm going on a mad CC hunt now. This is awesome, thanks for the hard work! :D
Thank you sooooo much for making GD and TOP sims! They're amazing!
Aw, thanks guys....
i love u so~so~much!
fantastic baby~
Hair not working for me :( I've tried re-downloading twice.
How to install
Put the .sim file in the SavedSims folder...
Love it! Thanks.
Ah, so pleased to see you!
I love GD sooooooo much!!!!
Thank u for making GD <3
EEEEEEEEP! I love bigbang! GD looks amazing, great work. Also where did you find the pose where he is liking his hand?
I can't remember. I believe it was from a Chinese site. Try searching MS3B and SunsetSims...
I've put the fantastic baby hair package on Packages folder, but I couldn't find the fantastic baby hair on Create A Sim. Please help!
Weird. I'll look into this...
and anyway i've download all the cc(s) required for this, but when I click pre-made sims, and i click g dragon sim, he appeared to be black-skinned with no fantastic-baby hair. what did i do wrong? :(
You're missing the skin...
but i thought i've downloaded all custom contents are needed and already put them in the right folder...
Oh, I see. lol I used the *other* skin...
Ummm, send me an email...I send you the right skin....^^
ok thanks ^_^
fantastic!!!!!, i Love the hair. this hair i've been looking for since i saw the music clipt.
oh by the way, would you please add Seo Joon (Jang Geun Suk) from drama "love rain" to your "to-do list".
lol Why do people keep asking for Geun Suk? o_o I've had like 5 people do that. -_-
OK I'll cave in and do it :)
ty :)
hi! awt's jawline slider and awt's nose septum slider don't seem to be available anymore..is there any way I could get them still? would he look weird without these sliders?
He probably would look pretty strange without them :/
Send me an email...
Hi! I just wanted to ask a question since I have never downloaded sims before,
1) Do you have to have the sliders(I have seen some people say you only need it to edit the face but im unsure) and
2)His hair is included right? (Sorry for the dumb question. I assume it is but i just wanna double check! :3 )
Hmm, you should be able to get away with not installing the sliders.
And yes, the hair is included.
Okay. Thanks for the help! Much appreciated!~
(Same anon if you can't tell already xD ) And sweet! I love his hair so much,you did an awesome job ~
Okay..so I downloaded this sim and when I click on pre-made sim and select him, he appears black. O_O I downloaded everything. Also his neck doesn't blend well with his body...D:
Hmm.....I may have accidentally uploaded my Wesley Snipes sim :O
lol jk
Try installing this file: https://www.box.com/files#/files/0/f/82917984/1/f_2541753885
It says the folder is empty when I open it. o_o;
lmao really? x_x
OK try this link: https://www.box.com/s/08dc9be2c7e236b95597
Omg *-* He is perfect ! But.. I can't play him Y.Y Because of him my game not working properly TT>TT
Please can someone explain to me how i put this on my sim game? I'm kinda new to this....
I downloaded the GD_Sim.zip but what else do i do? and how do i put it on my game? ):
You need to place the .sim file in your SavedSims folder.
He is very beautiful*______*
For some reason his hair does not show up at all. Everything else works fine, at least I think so.
It's the same for me, installed this and Faux Hawk No. 2, and neither just won't work in the game!
I'm aware there's a weird problem like this with my stuff, and I am trying to fix it.
G-Dragon works fine in my game...thank you for making him!
where is my saved sims folder 0.0
everytime i click the link its says whoops and showing an error
@Anon: It's in your "The Sims 3" folder in My Documents.
@Amber: Use this link here
Do I have to make the packages folder if I don't already I have it?
Anon from earlier, nevermind I figured it out~
Okay, I've gotten everything where it's supposed to be, and yet the GTOP sims show up as black without the hair or the clothes shown. Am I doing something wrong? Do I need anything else?
Try this skin: https://www.box.com/s/08dc9be2c7e236b95597
I got that skin and it changed him to his correct skin color, however, his hair is still missing, and I put that fantastic baby hair package file in the package folder like instructed but it still doesn't show up in the hair options. A few of the package things don't show up I think :(
Odd. I'll look into this when I have the time...
It won't download!.
I'm not able to download any sims. It's most likely due to the hosting site "Uploadingit.com" being no longer active.
I don't understand the chin to neck slider website. And google won't translate it from Korean. Help?
He doesn't show up in the SIM BIN. but when I save a sim I made in Create A Sim, that sim will show up in the sim bin. Why doesn't he. I'm so frustrated.
Some people are saying he shows up completely black in the SimBin. Try to look for a sim that looks like a dark shadow...
He showed up in Sims, but not his hair! Why! His hair is the best part!!!! Please help me get it!
Hmm, I know what the problem is. I have to try and remake his hair again.
This hair look like Jang Geun Suk hair in dorama Love rain))) Very cute)))
Not all the links/downloads work.
And should i change anything on the sim after the downloading because he looks not exactly like the sims at your pics.
The head is to big and the mouth is too far on the top... and i can not change the form of the cheeks :( please help me ;o
You're either missing the sliders or you have some type of slider hack to increase the values installed...
Hey In The Formal Wear What It Is ? Is That A Blazer Or not Tnx :)
can u make a tutorial on this?
i can't install it on my mac.. anybody can help??
Has the hair issue been solved yet?
my character turned black
the hair does not work ... Please, another link to the hair.. éè
I CANT DOWNLOAD, please help :/ "File not found" Taeyang, TOP too :/
Not all the links/downloads work.
please help me ;o
Hey, could you send me GD on my e-mail :D cause " File Not Found" ;_; child.of.nightmare@o2.pl
Can you send me the hair please? Q.Q daleyannah@gmail.com
Is it possible to do the hair for females too? :)
Is it possible to do the hair for females too? :)
Daesung please ??? >.<
I want this hair, too, can somebody help, please. Moncho@web.de
I've tried everything to get his hair to show up on my game but nothing works :( I love the hair, please could someone help? kathaesbakan@gmail.com