At first, I was thinking of making his blonde hair from Baby Goodnight, but then my professor asked for a 10-page essay,
so now I'm doomed! >_< lol Oh well, I might try it later, since it is a very cool hairstyle and I'm getting better at meshing hair...
so now I'm doomed! >_< lol Oh well, I might try it later, since it is a very cool hairstyle and I'm getting better at meshing hair...


Socks: Stockings by Lilisims
Shoes: Creepers by Sim Dump
Earrings: Male Piercing by Heiret
Bottom: Shiny Pants by trunksgirl101
Top: The Undone Gentleman Jacket by EA
Nail Polish: Short Nails for Males and Females by Aikea_Guinea

Outfit: Show Stopping Style by EA
Earrings: Silver Cross Earrings by Lemonleaf
Shoes: Barnacle Bay Clothing

Top: Low Vneck Shirt for Men

Aww, they're playing sports...lmao...
Outfit: Sportswear Bonus Content by EA
Shoes: Converse One Star by Ljgaming

Bottom: Nike & Some Pro Athletic Set by terriecason
CAS Mug Shot

He should look like this if you have all the CC you need. His body skin will look different from my pictures though,
because I edited Subaxi's skintones (which I'm not uploading of course!). But his face should be the same.

Chin Depth Slider by Jasumi
Brow and Hand Sliders by Jasumi
Flip-Flops by Jasumi
Eyebrows: Eyebrows 16 by Subaxi
Foundation: Hi-Def Contouring Blush by KittyKlan
Lips: Not sure, but it might be from S-Club
Skintone: MCV Non-Default by Subaxi
Eyes: Eyes No 31 by Tifa
Johna's Body Sliders
Heiret's Chin to Neck Slider
Ahmed's Facial Sliders
awt's Nose Septum Sliders

Bands (Big Bang),
I'm smiling so much right now!! He's so perfect.... Thank you, Jasumi!
Glad you like him! :D
I'm freaking in love with your sims, Thank you. You Can Make the Uruha from GazettE? * the GazettE * PLEASE :C'
Oooh, a jrock sim? Ok, I will try it!
wow I hope you will make also some girls ^^ like Hyuna, CL etc eheh
kekeke I have girl sims too, I will try to upload them...
Yay, TOP sim is just perfect as he is in real life. Another handsome sim for my game. ^_^
You're amazing as always. Thank you so much!
Yay, glad you like! Now I can cross another sim off my list!
Thank you! now i can have seung hyung oppa!
Thanks <3 *-*
Hells yeah TOP! He's exposing so much skin as a sim, IRL you're lucky if you catch a glimpse of his wrists. Thank you!
haha that is true...
I love him :D please make SNSD :D~
Yes!!! More kpop please? :D
3 words... I love you
three words...thank you guys
i want all your k-pop sims ^^
would you tell me all of your k-pop sims which haven't been uploaded?
Oh, a lot, I'll say that much >_>
very like t.o.p!!
i wish i was a sim so i can marry him,.
It's amazing how much your Sims resemble the original person!
Thank you for sharing them with us Jasumi. <3
You wrote somewhere, that you made a lot of other k-pop Sims - Have you maybe made all of the BigBang members? I'm such a fan of Daesung. :D
Sorry for late reply, I've been busy ^^;
I do have all of Big Bang and 2ne1.
Please, make someone from U-Kiss, Boyfriend or B.A.P~ Or Nu'est~ Or The GazettE, LM.C, Versailles, Kiryu... Ok, jk xD I really love your sims~ Your T.O.P sim is so handsome, kya~! <3
Hi Jasumi, your T.O.P. Sim is awesome! Unfortunately he's showing up with that black/blue skin in my game because I was unable to download Subaxi's non-default -- all of their files are set to private for some reason. :-/ Do you know of an alternate location where I might be able to find them? Or would you be willing to upload it or send it to me? Just thought I would ask as I would love to have T.O.P. in my game! :) Thank you!
I can't find the hair? I'm confuzzled :s
@Jen, maybe I can find it...
The hair is from the Showtime expansion pack...
*CRAZY FANGIRL SCREAM* I'm so excited that you made TOP. I am a huge fan of bigbang! I would love you if you could upload all of bigbang! I would like to see your take on SeungRi!! haha! Thanks again for this and all of your other items! ♥
OMO, how cool is it, that I just found your blog? xD
I love your Sims. They look awesome. <3
I wish I was that good in creating them.
Yunho and Jaejoong looked like... *coughs* good, but not really like them... xD
I can't get it to work ;(
You have to place the .sim file in the SavedSims folder....
Hey, I really like him but I can't download awt's Nose Septum Sliders 'cause the download link is down... Do you know where I can find these sliders?
Send me an email.
waaaa, i can't download TOP on the given link :< says its empty and great job btw :>
it is so TOP <3
I changed the link, is it working for you now?
yay, ty so much :> I hope you'll upload a female sims next, either yoona,dara or bom :D
ty again for making such lovely sims <3
Thank you. And yes I do have them, too...
cool, when will you release them?
I don't know :/
Oh :( I hope one female sims is coming out this august, my beloved T.O.P <3 need a pair haha xD
Perfect :3
Thank you so much for making T.O.P! He looks great in game. :)
Please make Seung Ho too and Bi Rain!!!!!! ^^
Hey, I got this sim and I love it! Only issue is his skin shows up that weird black/blue color. Do you have an alternate skin cc I can use besides the one that was included in the pack?
He's so perfect! Unfortunately i don't know how to download it T.T
Is the download link acting funny?
@Anon: Try this skin: https://www.box.com/s/08dc9be2c7e236b95597
WHAT THE FUCK ?!! I can't download it, can you upload your sims but open drive and uploadingit, when i download anything it is always goes to fail. I'm so excited if you reupload your sims at mediafire, 4 shared, and many more, please
I'm trying to fix all my links. I might just move to mediafire even though I hate it, ok?
man, he's so pretty. Btw, is Daesung in progress?
Okay, I got the alternate skin and the original skin that was used in the pack, and no matter what I do he still shows up that weird black and blue color. The Ji sim works just fine though and I think it uses the same skin cc? Help???
Heiret's Chin to Neck Slider
Ahmed's Facial Sliders
awt's Nose Septum Sliders
i can't download all of that.
can you send it directly to my email
umm, same as above, please?
Can you do Zico and Kyung from Block B?
:O This is so amazing >.<
Could you maybe make U-kiss Sims??? Like Kiseop♥ >.<
^^ I second U-Kiss sims and Kiseop!
Is there another place to download the following, because both are unavailable and I really want top :(. Please help.
Heiret's Chin to Neck Slider
awt's Nose Septum Sliders
my email is des.heartbeat@gmail.com
none of the face downloads work anymore :(
and i want a top sims but it's impossible and very hard to make him!
Do you need the sliders, anon? If so, send me an email (jasmorde@gmail.com)
ok, I sent you an email :)
Hello, can you please reupload top please? because i cannot download. :(
Hi please can you reupload top and gd??
The link said the file not found :(
And i really love your sims. they look perfect :)
Or can you send it to my email? kathykatcruz@yahoo.com
Thanks ;)
Hi, could you reupload this to mediafire or something else? It seems the file no longer exists on the link provided. x_x
You have the best TOP I could find, I would also really love it if you could reupload. c: