These are similar to my previous Ankle Boots (Tights + Boots) release. Both versions use the same mesh, but the animations are slightly different since I somehow managed to delete my old work folder and had to re-export everything from Max. Animating all of these laces is Hell and it's still not perfect, but whatever. Besides that, I also added a new felt texture based on Diesel's Boot Collection. Rather than making tights this time around, I edited a pair of jeans from Diesel Stuff to be compatible with these boots, giving them a nice tucked-in effect. These jeans should also work decently with my other ankle boots, and visa versa.
Jeans Specifications:
Morphs: Fit, Fat, Thin, Normal
Age: Young Adult
Sex: Male

The boxers on these pants are recastable like EA's version.
Morphs: Fit, Thin, Normal
Poly-Count: 8,360
Age: Young Adult
Sex: Male

The laces don't look crazy when the foot is rotated, they look uniform and neat in any animation (or at least the ones I tried).

For this version, I increased the size of the texture map a little, so you may see some overlapping on a few tops which
have overly-elaborate, long sleeve designs or something unusual like that. Should work with at least 90% of tops.

Jasumi_AnkleBoots (Jeans + Boots).zip
Model Credits:
Skin: Subaxi/Watermelon | MCV Non-Default | DHV_A Non-Default
Eyes: Escand | Oh My Tiffany ||| Tifa | Eye N31 ||| Leamonleaf | Clear Eyes
Hair: Raon | Hair04 ||| Hellfrozeover | Heroic Hair Resized
Eyebrows: MissBonBon | 15 Eyebrows for TS3
Skin: Subaxi/Watermelon | MCV Non-Default | DHV_A Non-Default
Eyes: Escand | Oh My Tiffany ||| Tifa | Eye N31 ||| Leamonleaf | Clear Eyes
Hair: Raon | Hair04 ||| Hellfrozeover | Heroic Hair Resized
Eyebrows: MissBonBon | 15 Eyebrows for TS3
Awesome @___@
Amazing!!! I loved it! Thanks honey. <3
Oh snap those are sexy. I loved your previous ones, but this one will surely be a nice addition too!
Loved it *_* Thank you!
And may I ask you if the third model hair is one of yours editions? I can't remember seeing it before. It's really beautiful!
Yay I can get to your site again! And these look fantastic!
I love it ^^ ty!
Awesome. Thanks :)
Your first pair of boots are my favorite and used over and over again on half of my sims. The new felt texture looks awesoooome. I <3 you.
I love your stuff :D Thank you
@Anon: Yes, that is an old hair mesh of mine that I haven't quite finished yet.
And I'm glad you guys like the new texture!
These are definitely some of the best boots made for Sims 3.
Such a nice thing to say...!
These are awesome, thank you! I was wondering where the top on the first model is from? Thanks!
It's from Diesel Stuff.
It's awesome!! I love it so much!! Thank you!
Love these boots, I overuse your another ones so I'm glad that I have more variety. To be sure, you need the Diesel Stuff Pack for the bottoms, right?
Mmm, I don't think so...
I need to say somethig...
I love you *-*
Aww, thank you <3
Totally lovw it and your twisted sims! Big hugs my dear friend! I'm starting to work in sims 3, like it a lot more now, so at some point you will hear & see some of me.
Be bad
So happy to see you Nextor! Please keep me posted with whatever you do <3
your welcome anon
"File Not Found! It looks like the file you're looking for does not exists here anymore."
Uhhhhh i cnt download none of the downloads "files do not exist or damage"
I love these. But sadly it is not downloadable :( Will they be available soon?
I can't download them. :(
I'll try to find a different host (anything but Mediafire)...
can't download them...
My bandwidth might be down right now. Try checking back later. In the meanwhile, I will be searching for another hosting site...
They look awesome, but could you also do them for females? :)
Converting these shoes is difficult...
You will either get a pair of boots that are not well made or that are not well suited to whatever it is that you need them to do. This will make you feel, correctly, as if you have wasted your money.
Really nice Jasumi!
Thank you :D
PLease find a way to put these back up!! I've been dying to find these and finally found them and the link doesn't work :(
Please fix the link :((((((((((((((((((((((
i love this so much, would you please mind to update the link again? :'D thanks sooo much a bunch if you do!!!!
Thanks for the link Shiyo!!!
And thanks for the fantastic boots Jasumi! I love them so much :)
Thanks for baidu link Shiyo
it's look amazing!
The link is broken/missing! :(
Is it possible to get it fixed? Please!!!