Continuing with Big Bang, here is SeungRi


Top: Rocker Top by Prada_Sims
Earrings: Piercing for Male by Heiret
Necklace: Necklace by Inna_Lisa
Bracelet: Male Set 001 by TumTu

Top: Blazer by Aikea_Guinea
Earrings: Silver Cross Earrings by LemonLeaf

Bottoms: Hugo Boss Boxers by terriecason
Earrings: Silver Cross Earrings by LemonLeaf

Earrings: Piercing for Male by Heiret
Bottom: Bermuda Swimsuit by Ekky_Sims

Shoes: Vans by Lilisims
Bottom: Men's Pajama Bottoms by EA
Earrings: Silver Cross Earrings by LemonLeaf

The body skin shown in the pictures is from Navetsea's Face-In Collection, which is quite lovely.
I simply blended his body skin with Subaxi's face skin. I can't upload this skin of course :(

Chin Depth Slider by Jasumi
Brow and Hand Sliders by Jasumi
Flip-Flops by Jasumi
Facial Stubble by Jasumi
Eyebags: Eyebag V2 by Tifa
Eyebrows: Eyebrows 15 by Subaxi
Foundation: Hi-Def Contouring Blush by KittyKlan
Lips: Lipstick N6 by Yukey
Skintone: DHV-O Non-Default by Subaxi
Eyes: T-eyes by Subaxi
Johna's Body Sliders
Heiret's Chin to Neck Slider
Ahmed's Facial Sliders
awt's Nose Septum Sliders
Jawline Soften Slider by awt
Forehead Depth Slider by awt
Nose Septum Sliders by awt
Upper Lip Sliders by awt

Bands (Big Bang),
Sueng-ri very cute guy ;)
yaay! Our panda maknae! Thanks so much! He's cute ^__^
LOOL I'll make sure his house is full of towels so he's prepared when he woohoos with a girl.
too soon?
Oh no, anon don't say that >_<
Glad you guys like him lol
Ahhhhh! he is perfect :D thankyouuuu! <3
I have a feeling a certain someone is not so fond of this horny panda. LOL
^Well he may be able to prevent pandas from going extinct...
Your welcome anon :D
hmmmp, I like your jobs, he looks well although, a bit less resemble, my opinion. I'll give you some hints : forehead height need to increase; mount width and height ; cheek; hairstyle. Keep up your creations [i'm waiting for T.O.P, he's my favorite, lol]
Picky picky.
I already uploaded him, btw...
hphhh, there's another one in my sh** list, anon.
Anyway, great job, i'm waiting for T.O.P. and Daesung :)
I totally apologize for that anon
Don't listen to them. they should be grateful you even take requests!
He looks awesome!
thanks so much for all your hard work!
Thanks guys. And don't worry about anon, some people are just picky...
woahhh..DAEBAKKK..but it looks like Baekho more from NU'EST.. XD
thanks though.. :)
Jasumi, can you upload to a different website? Because I can't download Seungri.. :/ But great work <3
It's a perfect work, but i can't download this sim :((. Jasumi, can you upload this in other link for everybody, please.
You are a genius for making these sims! You should try making some BTS members too ! ^^