After a long hiatus, I have now returned with a new mesh, and partially new texture! Hopefully I'll be able to maintain my increased motivation to bother uploading new stuff and finish uploading Big Bang as well as some new CAS items I created for our male sims. This pants are based off a pair from the Diesel Stuff pack, although it is not required, and were made specifically to go with m,y high-tops, although they look great with Myo's shoes and other shoes as you will see in the preview pictures below. These pants feature a fully three-dimensional belt I created in 3ds Max; such as the belt loops on the jeans, the buckle, and the belt itself. This is also enabled as Outerwear for those of you who have Seasons.
Jeans Specifications:
Morphs: Fit, Thin, Normal
Age: Young Adult
Polys: 2,100
Sex: Male

The belt is re-colorable, but looks best at a darker shade.


Model Credits:
Skin: Subaxi/Watermelon | MCV Non-Default | DHV_A Non-Default
Eyes: Escand | Oh My Tiffany ||| Tifa | Eye N31 ||| Leamonleaf | Clear Eyes
Hair: Raon | Hair04 ||| Hellfrozeover | Heroic Hair Resized
Eyebrows: MissBonBon | 15 Eyebrows for TS3
Skin: Subaxi/Watermelon | MCV Non-Default | DHV_A Non-Default
Eyes: Escand | Oh My Tiffany ||| Tifa | Eye N31 ||| Leamonleaf | Clear Eyes
Hair: Raon | Hair04 ||| Hellfrozeover | Heroic Hair Resized
Eyebrows: MissBonBon | 15 Eyebrows for TS3
I love it!
The details of your stuff always impress me *-*
Is that a sims Tao and D.O from EXO ?!
Amazing as always Jasumi!♥
and are those D.O and Mir sims I see? lol
I love it <3
Thank you! ^^
these shoes *.* are impressive!
I love it! Looks great! Thank you!
I'm glad you guys like it ^^
Three members of EXO are in there lol
Holy snap... *___* Great job Jasumi!
IT`S AMAZING!!! *____*
thank you! :)
Adore when there is a belt. thanks Jasumi)
Jasumi, fuckin' I love your works!
this is beautiful jasumi~~
youre the bomb dot com!
thanks so much for all your work
Ah, I'm glad you guys will find it useful ^^
thanks so much! the belt looks AMAZING~
three members? hmmm i see from the comments we already guessed D.O and Tao..
uhm lemme try to figure this out...
the one in the straight brown hair looks like Baekhyun... did i guess right?
anyways thanks so much for your hard work! we missed you while you were gone, but everyone deserves a break! glad youre back ^__^
lol Yay, you got it right!
Although I can see why someone would think it was Mir, he looks a bit ambiguous in that shot :/
Oh, and thanks everyone ^^
i'm amaze as usual, all of your stuffs always great. one thing, what is the 1st pose?
The first pose is made by IMHO: http://sims3imho.blogspot.com/2012/08/14-poses-action-by-imho.html
These are awesome! Can't wait to see you finish Big Bang too. :)
Oh, god!! i'm inlove *_*
Loving it. *w* Can i ask? Where are those shoes that look like converse star shoes? o.o (excuse me for my english..;s)
Oh, those are from a Dr Pepper stuff thing EA did. Or it could've been Tmobile.
Thank you Jasimi! Amazing as always :)
Download link isn't working :(
Can't download either. >.<
hello the gloves grey and black, where did you get them ? thanks
I cant download it! can you tell my why ? I am be mad i <3 LOve youre creations but i can
not download it! :(
Ah Angelo the Gloves are from Sims 3 seasons :)
Can you make a version without the belt?
I can't download it! :(
cant download T_T