The Tre-Flip is a popular, but difficult, flip trick. Like most skateboard tricks, it moves by rather quickly. You can try using slow motion,
but the game does not render this animation very well sometimes because of all the damn frames it has, so it is advised you
slow the animation down using a third party application (ie. Sony Vegas). Anim Name: a_jasumi_skatejump2

Hair: EA | The Alex
Eyebrows: in768 | Eyebrow 02
This is amazing! Thanks for this! I just might use this in a video one day
omg new animation, you are so talented.
btw, can i ask where to download the background building? it looks so cool.
Thanks guys ^^
The lot was created by Cyclonesue: http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Cyclonesue/downloads/details/category/sims3-lots-residential/title/bridge-lane-railway--the-halt/id/1169999/
This is really great ^^
OMG! you're a genius *-*
Wow, it looks great!I'll use it in a video! But do I also need to download a skateboard or something like that for it to work?
Thanks guys ^^
And oh, should have mentioned that you need these skateboards: http://sim-uploads.blogspot.com/2012/03/skate-set-skateboard-and-wheel.html
These are fracking awesome!! Great Job!!
wow! Amazing job Jasumi!
but in my game the skateboard apears all gray x.x
Hey where do I find the skatboard? Its doesn't show in my game
Please help! You are so talented and this could be so helpful if I could find it. Thanks!
i can't download it
i cant download it
I can't download it, can you upload it again, please ? :( But in mediafire.
I can't download it, can you upload it again, please ? :( But in mediafire.
File not found... Please reupload!
Perfect animation! But file not found =(
Can you reupload the animation please ? Thanks :)
How did you do that? how did you make the skateboard flip like that?
OH GOD FILE NOT FOUND :((((((((((((((((
Nox, Jasumi, Mae Reckless, etc :
If you still have the files, since the links are dead can you send them please ?